Documentation - Actions / Filters - Filter – Apply sort for default next_post_link() and previous_post_link()

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Filter – Apply sort for default next_post_link() and previous_post_link()

A sort will apply to all next / previous side-wide navigation links if the Next / Previous Apply option is turned on. In case this need to apply only when certain conditions are fulfilled .
The follogin filter can be used ‘apto/navigation_sort_apply’

     add_filter('apto/navigation_sort_apply', 'theme_apto_navigation_sort_apply');
    function theme_apto_navigation_sort_apply($current)
            global $post;
            if($post->post_type == 'post')
                $current    =   TRUE;
                $current    =   FALSE;
            return $current;   

The above will makes the code to apply the customized sort on navigation links only if post type is a Post.