Premium Plugins - Advanced Post Terms Order

This plugin allows to customize taxonomies terms order per post basis using an easy to use and intuitive interface. The sort is managed through a JavaScript AJAX drag and drop, mobile ready functionality. While through the Advanced Taxonomy Terms Order sorts can be created globally for existing taxonomies which will apply everywhere, the Advanced Post Terms Order support to order terms per custom post type object individually. When used together booth plugins will still deliver the required order on front side, but when creating a sort for an individual post, it will be used instead.
Defining a custom taxonomy terms order for a Post
The process of making a sort for a Post is pretty self explanatory. All custom post types and taxonomies of WordPress instance where plugin is deployed are available for select.
What area of my site this actually can sort?
This will helps to maintain sorts virtually for any section of your site which retrieve taxonomies terms for a particular post type object through wp_get_object_terms or any other similar method.
Example a WooCommerce website, where categories and tags are required to sort differently, depending on the importance on a particular product
Or any other themes, where certain taxonomies terms like categories or tags should display differently from a post to another
All custom post types and taxonomies are available for sort., along with defaults posts categories and tags. When new types are created they will show up on interface accordingly.
What other features the Advanced Taxonomy Terms Order include?
One of the most interesting feature is that the plugin will automatically update the queries so you don’t need to modify any files of your theme / plugins.
Along with a drag and drop manual sort type, there is an Automatic Order which will sort terms automatically by specified criteria, including random
Free Support and Maintenance?
We offer free support, maintenance and updates for all of our clients. We constantly update the plugin code to add new features and functionality, mostly based on users request.
Price: $20.00 (One-Time, Not recurring)