Warning: Undefined property: WP_Error::$name in /srv/users/nsp-code/apps/nsp-code/public/wp-content/themes/apto/templates/parts/category-header.php on line 15

Warning: Undefined property: WP_Error::$name in /srv/users/nsp-code/apps/nsp-code/public/wp-content/themes/apto/templates/parts/category-header.php on line 18


The plugin install runs the same way as a regular WordPress plugin. Additional details can be found also on WordPress Repository Upload the content of downloaded archive, the`advanced-post-types-order` folder to your `/wp-content/plugins/` directory or use Plugins > Add New > Upload to add.  Activate the plugin from Admin > Plugins menu or Network Admin > […]

Create sort lists

A Sort is the list through which the order of objects is held. Through the Advanced Post Types Order a sort can apply for any content type or conjuncture of single / multiple custom post types, a mix of custom post types, using taxonomies, authors parameters etc. Once the plugin deployed, at least one Re-Order […]

Understanding Sort List Settings area

Each Sort use it’s own settings, meaning they will not affect other order lists. Only Admin and SuperAdmin (in case use MultiSite environment) can see the Sort List Settings area. The Sort List Settings area consist of three sections: Query Rules Conditionals Interface Query Rules This contain information’s regarding the sort query rules and to […]

Sort Delete

Order indexes are being saved within a sort table. Each sort uses independent settings and data, meaning on update, only that particular sort will change accordingly. A sort can be removed at any time. Doing so, any order information’s will be removed. This can be done through the Delete Sort link located near the Settings […]

Create simple sort for a Custom Post Type

Any order for your site are held by sort lists. Creating a simple sort for a Custom Post Type will allow to control the order for that particular post type across your theme, or just apply for certain areas in case of using Conditionals. First access the Re-Order interface where you want to include the […]

Manual / Automatic sorting type usage

The Advanced Post Types Order plugin support two types of order, Manual and Automatic. Manual Order The Manual Order type consist of a drag and drop sortable AJAX-ed list which allow manual customization of order. The interface also include additional functionality to help with post filtering, which include date filtering, search, move on top, move […]

Using Conditionals for sorting apply

Conditionals are a great way to control the sort apply in case of Auto Sort usage. This will ensure the order is applied for a required area only if all conditionals are fulfilled. Multiple groups of conditionals can apply making this fully configurable and adjustable for any situation. Multiple type of conditional can be used […]

Case study – Creating sort for a complex front side theme query

Time has changed those days when it come to coding, everything it’s away more complex than before, solutions and technologies had evolved enormous to provide the excellent dynamic that most of current websites enjoy. The Advanced Post Types Order plugin follow the trends and provide the ultimate framework for making sort of WordPress content, through a flexible extensible code. Practically […]

Bad vs Good Practice when set-up Sort Lists

Any area of website can be sorted using sort lists. As long they are set-up the right way, they will provide an easy way for customizing order. A common Bad practice is to create multiple simple sort lists (see Create simple sort for a Custom Post Type) for the same post type, using a different […]