Warning: Undefined property: WP_Error::$name in /srv/users/nsp-code/apps/nsp-code/public/wp-content/themes/apto/templates/parts/category-header.php on line 15

Warning: Undefined property: WP_Error::$name in /srv/users/nsp-code/apps/nsp-code/public/wp-content/themes/apto/templates/parts/category-header.php on line 18

Action – Sort Interface – on Order Update

This action can be used to trigger certain code on a sort interface update complete. The action trigger on Re-Order interface, for default Post Type interface order complete action, see Action – Default Post Type Interface – on Order Update apto/reorder-interface/order_update_complete Parameters The action send through a single array of arguments. Depending on the sort […]

Action – Sort Interface – on Order Update for paginated list

This action can be used to trigger certain code on a sort interface update, for paginated list. apto_object_order_update Parameters The action send through a single array of arguments. Depending on the sort type and included post types (e.g. archive, hierarchical, simple sort), the list can contain the following: ‘post_id’ – the object ID ‘position’ – […]

Filter – Sort Interface – Post Types Items Custom Thumbnails

This filter will help to change the default thumbnail (either featured image or no image) for a custom post type item within the re-order interface. apto/reorder_item_thumbnail Examples: The following code will return a custom image instead the default thumbnail: In case the custom_image meta data is not an image url but an attachment, this code […]

Filter – Admin – Allow tabs reorder

Name apto/admin/reorder_interface/allow_tabs_reorder Type Filter Arguments (boolean) $allow_tabs_reorder Description This filter can be used to disable the default draggable functionality for the ordering of sorts tabs. Example

Filter – Admin – Hide sorts for certain users

This filter allow to hide certain sorts for specified users. It control the required capability to show the current sort tab. Filter name: apto/wp-admin/reorder-interface/sort-view-required-capability Since 3.6 Paramethers $sort_required_capability – the capability being required for the sort to be available for current user $sort_ID – the sort ID Examples The following code will change the required […]

Filter – Admin – Hide Taxonomy Selection for a sort

The Taxonomy Selection can be hide for certain sort_id or globally, allowing only archive sort type. This can be achieved through the filter sort-taxonomy-selection The above code will make the taxonomy selection area to do not show up.